Resume |
education |
Dr. sc. techn. in Hydrology (Ph. D.)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
June 2001
Zurich, Switzerland
Thesis: Mechanisms controlling macropore flow during infiltration - Dye tracer experiments and simulations
Diplom in Hydrology (M. Sc.)
Albert-Ludwigs University
June 1997
Freiburg, Germany
Minors: Soil Science, Geology, Statistics
Thesis: Study of runoff generation on hillslopes using tracer experiments and a physically-based numerical hillslope model
Vordiplom in Geography (Hydrology) (B.Sc.)
Albert-Ludwigs University
June 1993
Freiburg, Germany
Majors: Hydrology, Physical Geography
Minors: Physics, Chemistry, Statistics
study abroad |
Laurentian University
Scholarship to the Ontario - Baden-Württemberg Exchange Program
Sudbury, Canada
Courses in Geomorphology, Land Resources, GIS, Fractal Geometry, Instrumental Analytical Chemistry, Earth Resources, and Geochemistry
research exper- ience |
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dept. of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR, USA
October 2001 - to date
Research topics:
Influence of forest roads in small watersheds, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, USA
Hydrological response and solute transport in forested hillslopes
Virtual experiments - exploring the hydrology of hillslopes and catchments
Preferential flow pathways in forested soils (sprinkling and dye tracer experiments)
Transfer distribution of event and pre-event water - a new approach based on natural isotopes
Water repellency in forest soils - effects on infiltration and hillslope hydrology
Persistence of throughfall patterns under different forest vegetation
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Research Assistant
Zurich, Switzerland
July 1997 - July 2001
Co-Investigator in the following consulting/applied research projects:
Land use change and runoff processes - evaluation in three catchments in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Nonstructural measures on flood protection for the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR)
Extreme floods of the Cuncumen River (Chile) - Hydrometerological study of the Quillayes Tailing Dam
Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland - Flood Retention
Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology
Research Assistant
Zurich, Switzerland
August - December 1995
Involved in a project on the identification of runoff generation processes on hillslopes funded by the Swiss National Scientific Research Foundation.
Application of different physically-based rainfall-runoff models
teaching exper- ience |
Hillslope Hydrology
Oregon State University, Fall 2002, FE 605, 4 Credits
Co-taught with Jeff McDonnell
Runoff Generation at different hydrological scales - basics, experimental methods and simulation
Oct 2002, 3 day short course for graduate students at Potsdam University, Germany
Invited and sponsored by the International Quality Networks (IQN), DAAD, Germany
Snow Hydrology
Oregon State University, Winter 2003, 1 week field course at the Andrews Experimental Forest
Co-taught with Jeff McDonnell
Hydrology, Hydrogeology, and Water Resources Management
ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 1998-2001
Lecturing in the Postgraduate Program with emphasis on runoff generation processes
Current graduate students
Roman Portmann, M.Sc. student, started April 2002, Coop with University of Basel, Switzerland
Thesis: Hillslope hydrology of the Maybeso watershed in Southeast Alaska: Spatial and temporal characteristics of runoff generation in steep, forested watersheds
Matthias Retter, M.Sc. student, started Jan 2003, Coop with University of Freiburg, Germany
Thesis: Exploring subsurface flow pathways using natural and artificial tracers
Supervision of interns from abroad in the Department's work experience program
ETH Zurich, 1998-2001
Hydrology I, Hydrology II, Tracer hydrology
University of Freiburg, Germany, 1995-1996, Preparation of lectures as a teaching assistant
work exper- ience |
Government Agency for Water Management and Soil Conservation
Konstanz, Germany
Sept-Oct 1994
Involved in different projects relating to water supply, hydraulic engineering and waste water treatment
Karl Storz Endoscope
Temporary employment in summer holidays
Tuttlingen, Germany
1989 - 1993
Employee in the shipping or public relations department and programming shipping data base
skills |
Special Skills
Skilled user of IDL and PV-Wave software
GIS software ARC-INFO, ArcView, GRASS and IDRISI
Programming in C and FORTRAN
HTML and Javascript - Website programming for several institutes at ETH
German: native speaker
English: fluent
French: basics
Officer of the student geography association
Swimming instructor and lifeguard certificates