Homepage Markus Weiler






Dr. sc. techn. in Hydrology (Ph. D.)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)

June 2001
Zurich, Switzerland

Thesis: Mechanisms controlling macropore flow during infiltration - Dye tracer experiments and simulations

Diplom in Hydrology (M. Sc.)
Albert-Ludwigs University

June 1997
Freiburg, Germany

Minors: Soil Science, Geology, Statistics
Thesis: Study of runoff generation on hillslopes using tracer experiments and a physically-based numerical hillslope model

Vordiplom in Geography (Hydrology) (B.Sc.)
Albert-Ludwigs University

June 1993
Freiburg, Germany

Majors: Hydrology, Physical Geography
Minors: Physics, Chemistry, Statistics




Laurentian University
Scholarship to the Ontario - Baden-Württemberg Exchange Program

Sudbury, Canada

Courses in Geomorphology, Land Resources, GIS, Fractal Geometry, Instrumental Analytical Chemistry, Earth Resources, and Geochemistry




Postdoctoral Researcher
Dept. of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR, USA
October 2001 - to date

Research topics:
Influence of forest roads in small watersheds, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, USA
Hydrological response and solute transport in forested hillslopes
Virtual experiments - exploring the hydrology of hillslopes and catchments
Preferential flow pathways in forested soils (sprinkling and dye tracer experiments)
Transfer distribution of event and pre-event water - a new approach based on natural isotopes
Water repellency in forest soils - effects on infiltration and hillslope hydrology
Persistence of throughfall patterns under different forest vegetation

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Research Assistant

Zurich, Switzerland
July 1997 - July 2001

Co-Investigator in the following consulting/applied research projects:
Land use change and runoff processes - evaluation in three catchments in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Nonstructural measures on flood protection for the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR)
Extreme floods of the Cuncumen River (Chile) - Hydrometerological study of the Quillayes Tailing Dam
Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland - Flood Retention

Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology
Research Assistant

Zurich, Switzerland
August - December 1995

Involved in a project on the identification of runoff generation processes on hillslopes funded by the Swiss National Scientific Research Foundation.
Application of different physically-based rainfall-runoff models




Hillslope Hydrology

Oregon State University, Fall 2002, FE 605, 4 Credits
Co-taught with Jeff McDonnell

Runoff Generation at different hydrological scales - basics, experimental methods and simulation

Oct 2002, 3 day short course for graduate students at Potsdam University, Germany
Invited and sponsored by the International Quality Networks (IQN), DAAD, Germany

Snow Hydrology

Oregon State University, Winter 2003, 1 week field course at the Andrews Experimental Forest
Co-taught with Jeff McDonnell

Hydrology, Hydrogeology, and Water Resources Management

ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 1998-2001
Lecturing in the Postgraduate Program with emphasis on runoff generation processes

Current graduate students

Roman Portmann, M.Sc. student, started April 2002, Coop with University of Basel, Switzerland
Thesis: Hillslope hydrology of the Maybeso watershed in Southeast Alaska: Spatial and temporal characteristics of runoff generation in steep, forested watersheds

Matthias Retter, M.Sc. student, started Jan 2003, Coop with University of Freiburg, Germany
Thesis: Exploring subsurface flow pathways using natural and artificial tracers

Supervision of interns from abroad in the Department's work experience program

ETH Zurich, 1998-2001

Hydrology I, Hydrology II, Tracer hydrology

University of Freiburg, Germany, 1995-1996, Preparation of lectures as a teaching assistant




Government Agency for Water Management and Soil Conservation

Konstanz, Germany
Sept-Oct 1994

Involved in different projects relating to water supply, hydraulic engineering and waste water treatment

Karl Storz Endoscope
Temporary employment in summer holidays

Tuttlingen, Germany
1989 - 1993

Employee in the shipping or public relations department and programming shipping data base




Special Skills
Skilled user of IDL and PV-Wave software
GIS software ARC-INFO, ArcView, GRASS and IDRISI
Programming in C and FORTRAN
HTML and Javascript - Website programming for several institutes at ETH

German: native speaker
English: fluent
French: basics

Officer of the student geography association
Swimming instructor and lifeguard certificates